Monday, June 15, 2009

Tamiflu and relenza

tamiflu and relenza

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tamiflu and relenza
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Laboruntersuchung von Viren unter dem Mikroskop. Die Weltgesundheitsorganisation (WHO) hat letzten Donnerstag (09.06.2009) fr die Schweinegrippe die höchste Warnstufe 6 ausgegeben und diese somit zu einer ausgewachsenen Pandemie erklärt. Ob damit die WHO-Generaldirektorin Mrs. Margaret Chan zu spät ...

Author: politicaypoliticosmx
Keywords: Influenza Carmen Aristegui cnn gripe porcina Mexico N1H1 epidemia pandemia
Added: May 6, 2009

Author: Subscribe4MoreNews
Keywords: swine flu outbreak texas ca alert deaths hundreds of cases illness W.H.O. pandemic huge vaccination beware news new world order illuminati haarp neocon monsanto nwo congress alex jones prisonplanet infowars hemp oil 1984 religion dollar dictator banks planet-x amero war peace 2012 chemtrail ufo police state miliband headline monotomic 7/7 terror uk tabloid politics brown big brother zionism global elite nazi royal family cctv bilderberg eugenics 9/11 truth
Added: April 25, 2009

Author: Bloomberg
Keywords: Health Business Pharma Alternative Government Politics Public Flu Home Lifestyle safety
Added: May 1, 2009

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